no, just no. i do not want to chat with you, that means no msn/aim/mail/yahoo/skype/what the fucking ever. i do not want to meet you. i do not want to be your dominatrix. i do not want to punish/humiliate you. i do not want to tie you to a tree and leave you. i do not want to be in your book. i do not want to see pics of your penis. i do not want to send you pics of myself, naked or with clothes on. i do not want to be your girlfriend/marry you/or anything like that. i do not want to eat you if you shrunk yourself into a tiny man. i do not want to join your fucking magic show. i do not want your money for doing... well anything you want me to. i do not want to talk to you about how long my hair is and if it lays in my lap when i sit down. i do not like getting messages written in shitty norwegian/english. i do not like pervs. also writing me several times does not mean i will answer you. i mean really, you should realize it means that i do not want to answer you. bloody morons. and no, it does not help if you are 12 years old or 60, being a girl does not change anything either. please leave me alone if you don't have anything nice or interesting to say. if i happen to answer i am either interested in what you wrote to me or i want to make fun of you. it's usually the first, but that depends. think about what you write to me before you press 'send' cause i can't take anymore. years and years and years of this shit has made me go mad. seriously GET A LIFE. i have a fiance and i love him. we have been together for 6 years soon, so no i will not leave him for you, random person in a shabby hotel room. sure you will keep it a secret cause you have a girl yourself, blablabla, please no! messages that just says 'hi' and nothing else. WTF what is the point?? COME ON, shut the fuck up or i will smack you!! or you might enjoy that too much, depending on what you are into.
i don't get why these freaks write to me, i didn't ask for it did i? ANALLOVER43, CUDDLYBOI, SEXXXX, PUSSILIKKER, and other SHITNAMES can just fuck the fuck away. does it say 'PLS WRITE TO MEH U FREAKS PLS' on my forehead or something? if not i don't get it Y_Y *cries* some of these message scare me. like... telling me you will commit suicide if i don't visit you does not exactly make me want to come over does it now? RANT RANT RANT, yeah i know. i just had to fucking vent before something exploded inside me. i can't even log onto shit without getting sevetybillion effed up messages. thank you and good night, assholes.